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Digital Agency: on what criteria should you choose a marketing partner?

Written by Nicolas Lemaigre-Voreaux | Nov 23, 2022 4:16:44 PM

Do you need to boost your sales and don't know how to go about it?
If you're thinking of calling on a digital agency to help you gain notoriety and new prospects, you're on the right track. Indeed, these marketing agencies are the Swiss army knives that are indispensable for dealing with the competition provided by search engines. But how do you choose your digital agency and what criteria should you take into account before deciding? We'll help you to see more clearly how to choose your digital agency.

1. What is a digital marketing agency ?

Thanks to the development of a complete strategy adapted to your business challenges, a marketing agency must be able to help you gain notoriety on the Internet. And this, in order to optimise the generation of leads (B2B or B2C) online. It uses many channels:

  • natural search (SEO) and paid search (SEA),
  • social networks (SEM and community management),
  • e-mailing (email marketing),
  • content (inbound marketing or content marketing),
  • affiliate marketing,
  • marketing automation,
  • CRM management,
  • website updates,
  • and sometimes even visual identity and website development and user experience (UX/UI)
  • and, in rare cases, public relations (PR).

    The directories list hundreds of digital agencies in Europe . But be careful to identify their core business and their specialities: not all digital agencies do the same thing and offer more or less services depending on their skills and specialities.

2. What services do digital marketing agencies offer?

Digital marketing agencies must be able to offer management of all lead acquisition and internet communication channels. They must be able to offer you the following from the outset:

  • Clarification of your challenges and objectives, particularly in terms of traffic and conversion
  • The creation of a strategy and/or recommendations on your current strategy, in particular by creating your Buyer persona and your buying paths if they are not known
  • Development of campaigns and action plans over time
  • Follow-up of actions and accurate reporting of the results of these actions

3. the 5 benefits of working with a digital agency 

Whatever your main reasons for signing up with an agency, you will soon realise the benefits of choosing this route for your marketing. Here are 5 main benefits:

Benefit from the expertise of professionals

If you don't have any in-house expertise, having experienced consultants on hand will prove to be even more valuable in increasing your traffic and sales. You'll be able to seek advice from senior teams at any time, which would be much more expensive if you hired even one person with that much expertise full-time.

Rely on proven methods:

Digital agencies in usually work with many clients who have the same issues or the same customers as you. With this experience, the agency will not waste time suggesting strategies that are not relevant to your targets and will be able to propose the best possible action plan for your needs.

Save time and money:

One person is not enough to manage all the digital levers. You will be impressed by the speed of action of an agency, which already has all the tools, resources and skills needed to take your marketing to the next level.

Take advantage of the best and most up-to-date tools available:

Web marketing is a fast-moving discipline that requires a multitude of paid digital tools to monitor a number of results, even when it comes to SEO or content creation. Going through a digital agency will allow you to do without a certain number of investments: you will only pay the price of the agency, not the price of all the subscriptions associated with their practice.

Develop your reputation on the Internet on an ongoing basis

Thanks to a long-term partnership: you can refer to your digital agency to grow your business, find new acquisition strategies, test new channels (switch from natural to paid search for example or vice versa).

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4. The 5 decisive criteria to take into account when choosing a digital agency 

With so many agencies on the market, choosing a digital agency can be difficult. A few agencies may have caught your eye, due to the range of services they offer and the priorities of your business. To determine which one is right for you and make the right decision, you can consider the following criteria:


The services offered

It may sound obvious, but you can get lost in search engines. If you only need the lead generation part, don't waste your time consulting digital agencies specialising in website development, for example. The (good) agencies that deal with lead generation will make this clear to you! Otherwise, run away!

The match between your needs and the skills put forward by the agency:

It seems natural to go for agencies that offer a maximum of services but focus on those that offer precisely what you need. Beware, no matter what skill set is put forward, we believe that an agency that specialises in your market or that has had similar clients to you will always be more likely to meet your needs in a relevant way

Market knowledge:

If your agency knows your business, it will be able to offer you the most relevant solutions to reach your target. Knowing your market, your strategic issues and your business will save a lot of time and create campaigns that effectively promote your value proposition. 

References, client testimonials and case studies of the digital agency:

Is the agency you shortlisted able to put you in touch with one of their clients? Judge the online credentials of these brands and outline your issues to the clients you will be communicating with

The resources the agency is willing to put at your service:

Ask your contact person the question carefully. Will a team be dedicated to the project? How will you monitor the progress and results of the strategy implemented ?